Saturday, October 17, 2009

im engaged....

as of sometime around midnight thursday...october 8!
the first few days were a haze, i had too much sirah to drink that nite, but it was good haze. we had lunch with my fiances side of the family that sunday and i told my mom saturday...and now i am starting to think of all the technicalities....and so i figure a blog might just be the best way to organize myself through this whole process. wish me luck!


  1. I love wedding blogs and CONGRATULATIONS!!!
    You should check out and They both feature all sorts of lovely & amazing weddings. Might be of some inspiration.
    Again, congrats!

  2. Weshoyot, CONGRATULATIONS!! You'll be the MOST beautiful comic geek bride... ok scrap that... you'll be the most beautiful bride, full stop. Or *period*, as you say in Yankeedoodleton, a phrase I never use due to it's connections with that most wearisome and omnipresent of female conditions.

    ANYWAY, what I mean is, he loves you and I* do too, you rock!

    * And, quite possibly, so too does MJ himself. Nay, scrap 'quite possibly', and replace with probably. Yes, do that.

  3. P.S. Can I be a real life art ninja too? I even know Japanese, see: 'Konichiwa'. *Japanesey bows and exits stage left*
